he's a nice person... in pathologist lab...
wah!!! i seriously love IMU.. i love this workshop... look at this.... a leg.. real one...
look like cooked chicken though...
this brain looks brainy... got tumour in the black part... it is sliced to fit in this glass..
the 4 so call students in IMU
3 ja-coon
another one
behind the glass... zui khai was on the other side...
presenting!!! cat and waisin and me....
they love me...
proud to be in IMU*kononnya*
in dewan cancellor
a type of bacteria growing in the MAC agar plate...
Lab tech "einstein" mr DEvaraju.. this is a mould to make fake teeth..
let to set for 20 min
we registered in front of dewan chancellor.. than ice -breaking conducted by future doctors... ian, victor. alysha. sin.. they are in their 6 semesta... only ian spoke cause victor lost his voice... we had breakfast then.... first activity was medicine.. visited museum and IMU library... stress management condusted in hall... telax ur mind relax ur body...than lunch.. had chicken rice... activity 2 pharmacy and pharmaceutical chemistry we even make pain relieve cream.. i can name all the ingredient and won a hand full of M'n'm from Dr.Kang.... pian relive cream consisit of emulsifing oil 30 gram, wax paraffin,soft paraffin, eucalyptus oil, menthol, water,colouring...learn to do chematography... next time no need to steal recipe from anywhere... we know the trick... impressing... fun too.... activity 3 nutrition and dietetic... my group nan't even put the types of food in order.. not suitable to become a dietrician...... but my bmi was perfect... tea break and have good food.. we drink lots of milo then... end of day one...
day 2
dentistry was activity 4... fun... i wonder does all dentist look pretty and handsome?even they are old? and soft spoken too..... the auditorium was huge and cold...went touring inti dentistry lab where we got our tooth as gift
we had breakfast then ... another cup of milo... my favourite was activity 4... biomedical science and biotech... i got not enough time for Q and A... sad... but we visited the lab... in MDL 7 and research lab.. we saw their tech and we even saw cancer cell and how to duplicated DNA... their microscope was so much bigger than the one in school.... than we have our study skill and management conducted by DR. Alex.... lunch was a juicy burger and garlic bread... yet another cup of milo.... phycology was next... wai sin love it too... we drew picture and had a career test.... tea break was after that... where we took ppicture behind the glass....than Dr.Peter Pook was here to give us a rough conclusion of IMU.. he was funny...than we were given cert and i got a bar of chocolate... we took a group pic and sayonara.... love it soooooo muchhhhh..... learn a lot.... worth it...
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